Case Manager Resume Examples

Case Managers are social service assistants who support people going through a difficult time. Typical example resumes for Case Managers highlight duties like identifying people in difficult situations, creating recovery plans, referring clients to various healthcare or social services, and collaborating with various human service providers. Job skills include excellent communication and interpersonal skills, compassion, problem solving orientation, and organization. Most sample resumes for Case Managers mention an Associate’s or Bachelor’s Degree in social work.

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Additional Social Services Resume Samples

How to Format a Case Manager Resume

You can format your case manager resume in one of the three well-known resume formats: The employment history-based chronological resume, the skills-forward functional resume, or the best-of-both-worlds hybrid resume.

Candidate A uses a hybrid layout which uses a prominently featured list of skills and a descriptive timeline of previous jobs to help hiring managers trace their social work experience and technical training.

Candidate B has higher academic training but less than three years of experience. With scant professional experience but comprehensive education, we recommend a functional resume. This format uses detailed skills sections to highlight multiple specialized responsibilities. Candidate B lists their specialties and accomplishments under case management and organizational responsibilities in this sample.

Hybrid Resume

Work History

Case Manager, Child Protection Service
March 2022 – present, Boston, MA

Functional Resume

Professional Skills

Case Manager Resume Samples

No results found

0-5 years of experience

Improved information management to produce grant proposals with hard data, resulting in reducing a $35,000 deficit to a balanced budget

6-10 years of experience

Conducted comprehensive intake admissions for new referrals through interview, assessment, collection of previous service records, and collaboration with other service providers.

0-5 years of experience

Completed bio-psychosocial assessments, intake paperwork with service users and their families

0-5 years of experience

Implemented and evaluated programs/public health initiatives while managing 25 cases loads per week.

0-5 years of experience

Managed and supervised a caseload of 35 inmates males and females at a time, in the correctional facility.

0-5 years of experience

Maintained an active caseload of 125 chronically homeless clients.

0-5 years of experience

Managed and coordinated visits with clients in the home and supervised DCS visits.

0-5 years of experience

Participated in the assessment and service plan development and implemented services to clients in accordance with their individualized service plan.

0-5 years of experience

0-5 years of experience

Served members by the implementation of education, encouragement of healthy behaviors, information about resources, and coaching to optimize health status and overall functioning.

0-5 years of experience

Learned QuickBooks and several payroll systems on the fly, worked with limited supervision, processed daily cash receipts, handled all temporary workers human resource requests, including background checks (using CEO online), tax forms, garnishments, direct deposit/payroll inquiries for over 650 transient workers.

0-5 years of experience

Conducted interviews with service users and their families to assess and review their situation, and maintained regular contact via home visits and telephone.

0-5 years of experience

Develop psycho-social assessments and service plans for children and families to ensure child safety and reduce child risk in accordance with the Improved Outcomes for Children initiative.

0-5 years of experience

Communicated with service providers to obtain information regarding participation and status of family receiving service

0-5 years of experience

Licensed Vocational Nurse/Case Manager

6-10 years of experience

Provide case management services for families receiving services from The Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) and Probation

0-5 years of experience

Assessed, oriented and facilitated the entry of shelter and transitional residents into housing units.

0-5 years of experience

Demonstrated advanced clinical judgment and ability to independently deliver care to a population of patients with diverse and complex medical needs.

0-5 years of experience

Assessed family needs and provided resources for food, clothing, and employment.

0-5 years of experience

Conducted in-home evaluations of clients & coordinated care between multiple disciplines to ensure optimal patient well-being

0-5 years of experience

10+ years of experience

Responsible for Intake of new admissions and accurately enters information onto forms and computer data as well as providing information to funding agencies.

0-5 years of experience

Supervised a team of case managers who were responsible for case managing program participants as well as being liaisons between DHCD and the Homebase Program

0-5 years of experience

Adapt and identify when schedule changes were incorporated as the needs of the organization change.

0-5 years of experience

Provide in-home individual and family therapy to clients between the ages of 3-21 at-risk for out of home placement

0-5 years of experience

Performed Initial intake and assessment analysis resulting in referring clients to either mental health or substance abuse coordinators

0-5 years of experience

Work with client in a school setting teaching coping skills to help improve overall behavior

0-5 years of experience

Supervised Adolescents during on-site/off-site recreational activities

0-5 years of experience

Conducted intake screenings and needs assessments for clients/families

0-5 years of experience

Acted as patient and family liaison.

0-5 years of experience

0-5 years of experience

Interviewed clients who were referred to the We CARE back to work program, to see which one of our various work training or rehabilitation services would be correct for them and they’re road to self sufficiently.

0-5 years of experience

Provided triage and consultation to walk-in patients and via phone for a clinic with a focus on restoration of patients’ health and supervision of managed care issues.

0-5 years of experience

Performed different kinds of health services and care.

0-5 years of experience

Collaborated with case managers, mental health professionals, private providers, and foster parents to make the most appropriate placement matches for children in state’s custody.

0-5 years of experience

Responsible for managing over 25+ cases at any given time and coordinating various meetings and communication between families and their formal/informal support network to ensure deadlines and procedures are met.

0-5 years of experience

Managed client cases for [company name] clients, including court summons, psychological treatment plans, school implementation, health management, group therapy sessions, medication monitoring, Social Security and Medicaid management

0-5 years of experience

0-5 years of experience

Referred, linked and advocated for the needs of diverse, mentally ill clients as a certified clinician.

0-5 years of experience

Contacted medical provider and injured parties on claims involving medical treatment

0-5 years of experience

0-5 years of experience

Provide community outreach and information about the program to the residents of the community and nearby communities

0-5 years of experience

Assured the safety and wellbeing of children who have been diagnosed with a disability (Intellectual, Physical and Mental) placed in specialized foster homes. Offer full case management responsibility.

6-10 years of experience

Responsible for 70 cases for a diverse population of geriatric clients with Alzheimer’s/dementia related challenges

6-10 years of experience

Efficiently screened and admitted new clients to emergency housing location

6-10 years of experience

Provided Direct support to twenty DDS eligible individuals and their families

0-5 years of experience

Provided support to persons/families, which considered their needs and preferences such as clothing, food, shelter, and counseling by way of referral within the agency or other community agencies. Organized psycho-educational groups. Created and introduced community resources.

0-5 years of experience

Provide case management to approximately 20+ clients as assigned involving: screening, assessment, service plan development, monitoring movement, linking to appropriate community resources, follow-up planning, discharging and tracking

0-5 years of experience

Monitor and Supervise inmates includes checking them in and out of facility daily, formulate, and prepare reports, forms, and logs.

0-5 years of experience

Provide substance abuse services for a caseload of up to 45 methadone participants

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Case Manager Resume FAQ.

How do I write a social service resume?

You can follow one of three strategies to write your case manager’s resume. Each one requires varying amounts of time and effort.

  1. The easiest, fastest option: Our Resume Builder uses a simple questionnaire to create a ready-to-edit resume in a free downloadable text format. You can unlock additional file formations, multiple downloads, unlimited storage and a matching cover letter with a monthly subscription.
  2. Save time, but be yourself: If you’d like a more hands-on approach, use a resume template. These professional templates feature preformatted margins and line breaks designed for easy reading but feature blank resume sections where you can add your professional information.
  3. The greatest amount of time and effort:Design and write your resume from scratch. This is the most laborious and time-consuming option, but it gives you total control over the look, layout and content of your resume.

What is a good objective for a social worker's resume?

A good case manager objective highlights specialized social work techniques or specialties to capture a hiring manager’s attention. Use specific examples and rich details to accomplish this task.

Good resume objective: Compassionate case manager employed with the Philadelphia school district. Specialize in counseling and mentoring teenage mothers to encourage completed education, pursue higher education, identify reliable community support and access supplemental, affordable child care. Looking to expand social reach and support a wider range of parents.

Poorly written resume objective: Experienced case manager with seven years of experience. Eager to apply compassion and organizational skills to a new position with the state’s Child Protective Services.

What skills do I need to be a social worker?

Social work is an emotionally demanding profession — the most effective case managers learn how to balance the following soft skills with their highly technical training:

  1. Empathy
  2. Written and verbal communication
  3. Case filing and organization
  4. Critical thinking
  5. Active listening and attention to detail
  6. Cultural and ethnic awareness
  7. Client advocacy
  8. Self-care practices
  9. Collaboration
  10. De-escalation skills